Lär känna Léa, Théo, Chloé och Thoinon - våra franska utbytesstudenter 🌟
Varje år får vi äran att välkomna franska utbytesstudenter och sommarjobbare till köket och restaurangen på Hooks Herrgård. I år har bland annat Léa, Théo, Chloé och Thoinon rest hela vägen från La Rochelle, Frankrike för att både lära sig nytt inom kök och restaurang samt bidra på anläggningen.
Och vilka månader det har varit! Vi på Hooks Herrgård är så glada och tacksamma över att ha fått vara en del av deras karriärresa.
Merci Léa, Théo, Chloé och Thoinon för ert fantastiska jobb. Vi kommer att sakna er!
Léa hade 3 månader praktik i köket för att sedan avsluta en
månad som anställd.
”My experience here was great! I was able to discover the country, the language, the Swedish gastronomic culture and great people. In the kitchen, I was able to see all the positions, it was very enriching. I also had the opportunity to visit Copenhagen, Oslo and Stockholm, allowing me to discover more of the Scandinavian countries. I’ll go back to France with many memories of my travels and new recipes.” - Lea Chapuzet
Théo Gay-Michenaud
Théo började sin praktik i serveringen och fick utöver det även jobba som bartender, då som anställd.
”My experience in Hooks Herrgård was full of professional and personal enrichment. Everyone here is welcoming, takes care of you, listening and takes the time to explain things to you. Coming back to France, I leave with unforgettable memories, memorable trips, wonderful friends and the discovery of an incredible culture!” – Théo Gay-Michenaud
Chloe Magnez
Chloé gjorde sin praktik på Hooks Herrgård för tre år sedan.
Hon trivdes så pass bra att hon ville komma tillbaka för att sommarjobba, något
som vi på Hooks Herrgård blev riktigt glada över. Chloé jobbade som Chef De
Rang på kvällarna i herrgårdsrestaurangen under sommaren i år.
”This summer job was really cool for me, I really liked it. It was not stressful as in France. I had responsibilities from the start and all the staff was very kind to me. Normally I don’t like to work in gourmet restaurants but it went really well for me. The guests was really kind, many spoke English and even tried to speak French sometimes. I will go back to France with a lot of new memories. Now I am at ease with my English and can speak normally without the stress, which is important for my future career. I got a lot of new friends too. And even got to discover both Stockholm and Gothenburg. The experience was really good for me and even if I will not return back a third time to Hooks, I will never forget this beautiful place.” - Chloe Magnez
Thoinon Gombeau
Även Thoinon gjorde sin praktik för tre år sen och kom
tillbaka i år för att sommarjobba i köket.
”My experience was good, even very good, just like the first time I came here - in 2021 during my final year internship at the hotel high school in La Rochelle. I preferred this experience because there were seven of us French people in the restaurant, I didn't know these people before I arrived but I'm very happy to have met them and spent two months by their side. The team has changed in three years but the kind-heartedness is still as incredible, as well as the mutual help and the good mood of everyone. This is really necessary to make the work experience better and easier. I will return to France with new experiences, new knowledge and lots of memories, both from Hooks and my trip to Stockholm. I discovered more of the Swedish culture, which is really different from that of France. I absolutely do not regret having returned for two more months to this beautiful establishment. A big thank you to Gregory Gosse for his trust and for the opportunity.” - Thoinon Gombeau